Se parliamo di Diva non possiamo non pensare alle muse degli anni '40/'50.
In quegli anni gli stilisti vestivano donne affascinanti, sensuali e quasi irraggiungibili. Erano gli anni di Cristobal Balenciaga e Dior, tanto per citare i più famosi. I loro abiti avvolgevano corpi snelli ma dalle forme ben delineate, la vita stretta per sottolineare le curve. I loro non erano abiti ma vere e proprie opere d'arte. Un pò di tempo fa feci una collezione ispirata a quegli anni e qui trovere degli schizzi preparatori!
In those years the designers wore women charming, sensual and almost inaccessible. These were the years of Cristobal Balenciaga and Dior, just to mention the most famous. Their clothes gradually slender bodies but well defined shapes, their lives close to highlight curves. Their clothes were not but true works of art. Some time ago I made a collection inspired by those years and of preparatory sketches here too!
In those years the designers wore women charming, sensual and almost inaccessible. These were the years of Cristobal Balenciaga and Dior, just to mention the most famous. Their clothes gradually slender bodies but well defined shapes, their lives close to highlight curves. Their clothes were not but true works of art. Some time ago I made a collection inspired by those years and of preparatory sketches here too!
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